Friday, August 7, 2009

Week of August 7: TV and Julia

The release of the new movie "Julie & Julia" has drawn new attention to Julia Child and her legacy. Child's book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" made her famous. Television made her a star.

PBS wasn't even called PBS yet when Child made her debut on "The French Chef" in 1963. She spent almost 40 years in a variety of cooking shows for public television - starting after she cooked one of the book's recipes on a book show on WGBH in Boston. In 1966, she won PBS' first Emmy Award for "The French Chef."

Child died in 2004, but PBS (and its new digital channel, Create) still show Child at work - and play - in the kitchen:

Look for "Julia Child Memories: Bon Apetit" on PBS this month.

And Bon Apetit!

Oh......and see you next week. Until then, Happy Viewing!

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